Category: News
Join the hype
Have you joined the Blockchain revolution? Ever bought a couple Bitcoins or Ether? Feel like you are missing out on the next big thing?
Build a boat in seconds
Ever wanted to build a boat, but did’t have the time? You are not alone. Building a boat is a long process which you don’t want to rush (too much).
Getting Things Done, with OmniFocus
Lately I try to get things done. Really! With the help of David Allen’s Gettings Things Done strategy, I now use OmniFocus to, well, get things done. For a start, I was really skeptical myself as well. But it works. Especially, or perhaps only, if you go all in.
Ocean Cleanup
Two words: keep dreaming! Or in this case, dream big, and follow your dreams. That is that the Ocean Cleanup initiative, by a young Dutch student from Delft is all about. Bryan Slate is only 20 years old and already working a couple years on this huge project to cleanup…
Managing 12 volts
Quite a while ago I wrote about a useful book for any boat or caravan owner looking to install, or improve, an electrical system. Even with modern technology, you still have to know what you are doing when installing an electrical system that suits your needs.
Sailing is not only about power, but as well as doing the right thing. In the Netherlands, there is a volunteer rescue organisation for the Dutch lakes, rivers and coastal area. Each year they are called into action about 1500 times. Considering they work on a 100% voluntary basis and…
Renewable Energy World
Here at Green Boating we do our best to provide as many resources for anything green and sustainable. Starting today, we will show you interesting apps. These can be apps for saving energy, sailing, or perhaps just a news app focused at boating and renewable energy. The world we live…
Renaissance of the Modern J-Class
Sailing has been traditionally the greenest of all forms of transportation on the water. Unfortunately, diesel or gas powered boats can travel faster and are less dependent on the influence of the weather. But there is a new trend, one that looks back at the old J-Class yachts from about…
Donate to the blog
Green Boating is bringing you news about renewable energy, boating and anything related. Take a moment to donate to the blog to show your appreciation.
How do solar panels work
So how do solar panels work? The Guardian has a series of articles explaining different issues. This one is explaining how solar panels capture the energy of the sun, and generate electricity we can use to make a cup of coffee. Or charge your electrical car. Or, well, you get the…