Category: Apps

  • Eenvoudig CRM systemen

    We schreven al eerder over een eenvoudig crm systeem voor kleine ondernemers. Er is namelijk een grote keuze aan crm systemen. Wij hebben hier een een uitgebreide lijst van CRM systemen gemaakt. Dit is zeker geen volledige lijst. Niche CRM systemen Er zijn bijvoorbeeld bepaalde systemen die speciaal voor een…

  • Evernote

    Reading Getting Things Done, I realised I have been using an important tool for a long time. Both to collect information, as well as to write down thoughts and concepts. I am talking about Evernote.

  • Getting Things Done, with OmniFocus

    Lately I try to get things done. Really! With the help of David Allen’s Gettings Things Done strategy, I now use OmniFocus to, well, get things done. For a start, I was really skeptical myself as well. But it works. Especially, or perhaps only, if you go all in.

  • Things

    Things I use. Daily. Great and easy to use To Do app. Adding things you need to do. Prioritising what you need to do first. Perhaps pushing something to the future becuase you don’t have time for it.

  • KNRM

    Sailing is not only about power, but as well as doing the right thing. In the Netherlands, there is a volunteer rescue organisation for the Dutch lakes, rivers and coastal area. Each year they are called into action about 1500 times. Considering they work on a 100% voluntary basis and…